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Bloody Mary Shrimp: The Deepest Red Jewel for Your Freshwater Realm

Introduce a captivating splash of crimson to your aquarium with the mesmerizing Bloody Mary Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi 'Bloody Mary'). These captivating invertebrates boast a vibrant red coloration that extends throughout their entire body, making them a guaranteed conversation starter.

Unmatched Red Radiance:

  • Deep Red Hues: Unlike cherry shrimp with red shells, Bloody Mary Shrimp possess a translucent body with a deep red internal coloration, creating a strikingly different and vibrant appearance.
  • Consistent Beauty: Their red color isn't prone to fading or variations, ensuring a uniform and visually stunning colony in your tank.
  • Peaceful Coexistence: These gentle creatures peacefully coexist with other peaceful fish and invertebrates, fostering a harmonious underwater world.

Bloody Mary Shrimp

R70,00 Regular Price
R50,00Sale Price
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