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Bacta Plus

Core Ingredients and Their Benefits:

Key Ingredients:

Nitrosomonas bacteria: Converts toxic ammonia into nitrite.

Nitrobacter bacteria: Converts nitrite into less harmful nitrate.

Bacillus subtilis: Improves water quality and supports overall ecosystem balance.

How Bacta Plus Works:

Accelerated Cycling: Rapidly establishes a colony of beneficial bacteria, breaking down harmful ammonia and nitrite into harmless nitrate, significantly reducing the cycle time of a new aquarium.

Water Clarity: By maintaining a stable nitrogen cycle, Bacta Plus helps to prevent cloudy water and algae blooms, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your tank.

Shrimp Health: A balanced bacterial environment supports shrimp health by reducing the risk of bacterial infections and promoting overall well-being.

Substrate Colonization: Effectively colonizes your aquarium's substrate, creating a thriving microbial ecosystem that supports nutrient cycling and waste breakdown.

Key Benefits:

Faster Cycling: Reduces setup time and stress for your shrimp.

Crystal Clear Water: Enhances the beauty of your aquarium.

Optimal Shrimp Health: Creates a healthy environment for your shrimp to thrive.

Stable Ecosystem: Maintains a balanced biological environment.

Easy to Use: Simply add the powder to your aquarium.

Simply Shrimp Bacta Plus is a must-have product for any shrimp enthusiast. By providing a robust bacterial foundation, you're creating a thriving underwater world for your beloved shrimp.

Simply Shrimp Bacta Plus is a powerful bacterial supplement designed to create a pristine aquatic environment for your shrimp. By rapidly establishing a healthy colony of beneficial bacteria, Bacta Plus helps maintain crystal-clear water, reduces harmful toxins, and promotes optimal shrimp health.

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